Frequently Asked Questions
Is SGSC a union and what is the purpose of SGSC?
No. SGSC is a society. The main objective is to serve as an education platform to build awareness for cinematography in Singapore. It also recognises the craft of Singaporean and Permanent Resident cinematographers from varying levels of experiences and specialization. While SGSC members are expected to follow the constitution and by-laws, the society does not dictate payment and working terms within the industry. However, SGSC does promote safety awareness within the film industry and establishing this is one of the long term goals. SGSC is part of the IMAGO (The International Federation of Cinematographers) family. As a full member, you can represent the society to attend yearly talks and summits such as e.g. International Cinematography Summit (ICS) and Imago Cinematography Symposium, etc.
What benefits do I have in joining the SGSC?
The film industry lacks recognition and mentorship within its ranks. As a member of SGSC, you can contribute to building a sustainable industry by promoting the craft and recognizing new talents, technology and artistic approaches. Being in the society connects the senior members to the younger talents to encourage a mentorship + sharing community. As the membership grows, SGSC is able to tap into resources to create more cinematography related workshop, events and masterclasses - exclusive to members. The long term goal is for SGSC to engage relevant government bodies better to feedback on policies related to our industry and craft.
Who supports the SGSC?
The Singapore Society of Cinematographers is legally registered with the Registry of Societies (ROS). IMDA officially recognises and supports the society.
What is the difference between full members and associate members?
Full members comprises cinematographers only. Associate members can include new cinematographers who have yet to meet the criteria as full members, focus pullers, camera operators and qualified DITs. The associate members of SGSC is unique to Singapore’s small industry. The society recognises the efforts and experience of focus pullers, operators and DITs.
Why is there a membership fee?
There are costs involved in the running of the society such as e.g. accounting, committee & AGM meetings, website hosting, legal support, etc. SGSC is a non-profit organization. All committee members contribute on a volunteer basis..
How can I join the SGSC?
SGSC is constantly on the lookout to approach prospective members. If you know a full member, feel free to reach out to them. The membership is based on a recommender system. If a full member feels strongly about a candidate, he/she will approach and advise accordingly. A vote will be cast by the full members based on the submitted works of the candidate and statement of the recommender. As for associate members, if the experience meets the criteria, membership will be granted without the need for a vote. Also, cinematographers lacking the experience to be a full member can also be recommended to start as an associate member.

Membership is by invitation only
Singaporeans & PRs (min. 3 years working experience in Singapore) only.
The craft or role mentioned must reflect 80% of the applicant's current work record.
Submitted works (as stated in the constitution) will be assessed by full and committee members of the society. The applicant will be accepted when 2/3 or more votes are in favor.
Works are assessed on the following:
Technical and artistic quality
Cultural merit of the applicant's works to the industry
Contribution to the growth and recognition of the cinematography profession in Singapore